Environmental Protection
We represent different ideas than you might expect to hear from a big computer company, such as environmental protection outreach. We are currently involving ourselves with the “Going Green Movement,” “Waste Reduction Movement,” and we also explore various parts of the world looking for other outreach programs. We have always repurposed used computers that people donated to us, to give to people who need them. It is rare that we sell donated computers, because we only tend to recommend high quality systems to computer buyers.
Cash donations to schools, supporting curriculum for schools, and helping students succeed in school.
We offer a 10% discount to students if it helps them with their careers, such as fixing or replacing computers for students who need laptops for school, taking class photos, or providing website design for a student-owned business!
Want to see what else we’re doing for students? We also help students by recommending books for them to use to do better in school. If you want to buy the books, you can see the list at the link below.
Support Our Cause
Local Communities
Do you try to buy local products whenever you can? Now that we are a company that has ties to the entire country, we try to buy USA made products. Do It Right Computers also helps people in other parts of the world, so we want to support our local communities by GIVING BACK to them. Whenever we can, we try to volunteer to local business owners, food banks, government organizations, and other philanthropic efforts.