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Please rate the balance of graphics and text on each page of the site. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
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Please rate the verification of task completion on this site. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
Please rate the availability of help with questions or problems on this site. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
What is your overall satisfaction with this website? 1=Not At All Satisfied; Extremely Satisfied=4.
How well does this website meet your expectations? 1=Falls Short; Exceeds=4.
How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? 1=Not Very Close; Very Close=4.
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else? 1=Very Unlikely; Very Likely=4.
How likely are you to increase the amount of business you conduct online with Do It Right Computers? 1=Very Unlikely; Very Likely=4.
Please rate your confidence in obtaining a product from Do It Right Computers as a result of visiting this website. 1= Not at all confident; Very confident=4.
What best describes your primary reason for visiting doitrightcomputers.com today?
Please rate the process for logging in to this site. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
In the past week, have you had any trouble logging into Do It Right Computers' website?
In the past week, have you used this site's help feature also known as the Free Tech Support?
Please rate the quality of the customer support. 1=Poor; Excellent=4.
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