For small and medium businesses, bargain shoppers, and residential customers. We sell custom computers, offer flat rate prices for website design and logo design, and other provide other products! Website Hosting and website design, software development, Computer Repair services, parts ordering services, tools, and more!
For more information, visit our Services page. We are a tenured Microsoft Partner, Hewlett Packard distributor. We also work as Apple technicians, provide Remote Troubleshooting, post-sale service, as well as a Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. We occasionally may contact you by email with your permission, to send offers or discounts.
We only send out advertisements once every month at most, and we take every precaution to protect your privacy. We also guarantee all of our services and products with a great Refund Policy and a Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, both can be learned about at our About page. A percentage of every order goes to helping students learn about entrepreneurship and finance.